
✍ dations ◷ 2024-12-26 11:49:15 #圣亚博那

拉文纳的圣亚博那 (意大利语:Apollinare) 是一名叙利亚圣人,在罗马殉道圣人录(英语:Roman Martyrology)中这样描绘他:“教会传统上,这位主教,在众多民族中传播基督深不可测的财富的同时,他作为一名好牧人引领了他的羊群,并以自己光荣的殉道荣耀了拉文纳以及克拉塞的教会。”


根据教会传统,圣亚博那是二世纪时,东方叙利亚安条克的一位司铎。他向西方传播基督福音,被升任为拉文纳的首任主教,并领导拉文纳附近克拉塞教会。他长期受到迫害,他和基督徒信众在罗马皇帝韦斯巴芗的迫害中(或是尼禄)被放逐。他在途中被人认出,被逮捕后被剑刺死殉道。数个世纪后,他显现在圣罗慕铎(英语:Saint Romuald)的神视中。


20世纪的 依据教会传统这样描述他:

He was made Bishop of Ravenna, Italy, by Saint Peter himself. The miracles he wrought there soon attracted official attention, for they and his preaching won many converts to the Faith, while at the same time bringing upon him the fury of the idolaters, who beat him cruelly and drove him from the city. He was found half-dead on the seashore, and kept in concealment by the Christians, but was captured again and compelled to walk on burning coals and a second time expelled. But he remained in the vicinity, and continued his work of evangelization. We find him then journeying in the Roman province of Aemilia . A third time he returned to Ravenna. Again he was captured, hacked with knives, had scalding water poured over his wounds, was beaten in the mouth with stones because he persisted in preaching, and was flung into a horrible dungeon, loaded with chains, to starve to death; but after four days he was put on board a ship and sent to Greece. There the same course of preachings, miracles and sufferings continued; and when his very presence caused the oracles to be silent, he was, after a cruel beating, sent back to Italy. All this continued for three years, and a fourth time he returned to Ravenna. By this time Vespasian was Emperor, and he, in answer to the complaints of the pagans, issued a decree of banishment against the Christians. Apollinaris was kept concealed for some time, but as he was passing out of the gates of the city, was set upon and savagely beaten, probably at Classis, a suburb, but he lived for seven days, foretelling meantime that the persecutions would increase, but that the Church would ultimately triumph. It is not certain what was his native place, though it was probably Antioch. Nor is it sure that he was one of the seventy-two disciples of Christ, as has been suggested. The precise date of his consecration cannot be ascertained, but he was Bishop of Ravenna for twenty-six years.

由于克拉塞(英语:Classe)地区的二世纪基督教文献显示,该地区基督教历史可追溯到很早的年份,拉文纳第十二任主教Severus参加过公元343年召开的撒底迦会议(英语:Council of Sardica)。因此,学者们估计圣亚博那大概最晚于二世纪末殉道,有可能在皇帝塞普蒂米乌斯·塞维鲁执政时殉道。


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