
✍ dations ◷ 2024-09-20 09:03:08 #人类蛋白质,细胞程序性死亡,蛋白质,转录因子,肿瘤抑制基因,细胞凋亡,小鼠中突变的基因,衰老相关蛋白质

1A1U、 1AIE、 1C26、 1DT7、 1GZH、 1H26、 1HS5、 1JSP、 1KZY、 1MA3、 1OLG、 1OLH、 1PES、 1PET、 1SAE、 1SAF、 1SAK、 1SAL、 1TSR、 1TUP、 1UOL、 1XQH、 1YC5、 1YCQ、 1YCR、 1YCS、 2AC0、 2ADY、 2AHI、 2ATA、 2B3G、 2BIM、 2BIN、 2BIO、 2BIP、 2BIQ、 2FEJ、 2FOJ、 2FOO、 2GS0、 2H1L、 2H2D、 2H2F、 2H4F、 2H4H、 2H4J、 2H59、 2J0Z、 2J10、 2J11、 2J1W、 2J1X、 2J1Y、 2J1Z、 2J20、 2J21、 2K8F、 2L14、 2LY4、 2OCJ、 2PCX、 2QVQ、 2QXA、 2QXB、 2QXC、 2VUK、 2WGX、 2X0U、 2X0V、 2X0W、 2XWR、 2YBG、 2Z5S、 2Z5T、 3D05、 3D06、 3D07、 3D08、 3D09、 3D0A、 3DAB、 3DAC、 3IGK、 3IGL、 3KMD、 3KZ8、 3LW1、 3PDH、 3Q01、 3Q05、 3Q06、 3SAK、 3TG5、 3TS8、 4AGL、 4AGM、 4AGN、 4AGO、 4AGP、 4AGQ

· RNA polymerase II transcription factor binding
· RNA polymerase II transcription regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity involved in positive regulation of transcription
· protease binding
· p53 binding
· DNA binding
· chromatin binding
· damaged DNA binding
· sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity
· copper ion binding
· protein binding
· ATP binding
· transcription factor binding
· zinc ion binding
· enzyme binding
· protein kinase binding
· receptor tyrosine kinase binding
· ubiquitin protein ligase binding
· histone deacetylase regulator activity
· histone acetyltransferase binding
· identical protein binding
· transcription regulatory region DNA binding
· protein heterodimerization activity
· protein N-terminus binding
· chaperone binding

· nuclear chromatin
· nucleus
· nucleoplasm
· replication fork
· transcription factor TFIID complex
· chromatin assembly complex
· nucleolus
· cytoplasm
· mitochondrion
· endoplasmic reticulum
· cytosol
· nuclear matrix
· nuclear body
· PML body

· cell cycle checkpoint
· negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
· DNA strand renaturation
· in utero embryonic development
· somitogenesis
· release of cytochrome c from mitochondria
· T cell proliferation involved in immune response
· B cell lineage commitment
· T cell lineage commitment
· base-excision repair
· nucleotide-excision repair
· double-strand break repair
· regulation of transcription、 DNA-dependent
· protein complex assembly
· apoptotic process
· induction of apoptosis
· response to DNA damage stimulus
· DNA damage response、 signal transduction by p53 class mediator resulting in cell cycle arrest
· DNA damage response、 signal transduction by p53 class mediator resulting in transcription of p21 class mediator
· ER overload response
· cell cycle arrest
· transforming growth factor beta receptor signaling pathway
· Ras protein signal transduction
· multicellular organismal development
· gastrulation
· negative regulation of neuroblast proliferation
· central nervous system development
· cell aging
· blood coagulation
· protein localization
· negative regulation of DNA replication
· cell proliferation
· negative regulation of cell proliferation
· determination of adult lifespan
· rRNA transcription
· response to salt stress
· response to X-ray
· response to gamma radiation
· virus-host interaction
· cell differentiation
· negative regulation of cell growth
· DNA damage response、 signal transduction by p53 class mediator
· negative regulation of transforming growth factor beta receptor signaling pathway
· positive regulation of histone deacetylation
· mitotic cell cycle G1/S transition DNA damage checkpoint
· positive regulation of protein oligomerization
· T cell differentiation in thymus
· cellular protein localization
· cellular response to UV
· multicellular organism growth
· cellular response to drug
· cellular response to glucose starvation
· intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to DNA damage by p53 class mediator
· regulation of apoptotic process
· positive regulation of apoptotic process
· negative regulation of apoptotic process
· positive regulation of neuron apoptotic process
· negative regulation of transcription、 DNA-dependent
· positive regulation of transcription、 DNA-dependent
· positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
· response to antibiotic
· regulation of mitochondrial membrane permeability
· negative regulation of fibroblast proliferation
· positive regulation of peptidyl-tyrosine phosphorylation
· negative regulation of helicase activity
· protein tetramerization
· chromosome organization
· neuron apoptotic process
· positive regulation of thymocyte apoptotic process
· positive regulation of cell cycle arrest
· cellular response to hypoxia
· cellular response to ionizing radiation
· mitotic cell cycle arrest
· intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway by p53 class mediator
· positive regulation of release of cytochrome c from mitochondria
· positive regulation of cell aging
· replicative senescence
· oxidative stress-induced premature senescence
· intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway
· positive regulation of reactive oxygen species metabolic process




p53蛋白在避免癌症发生机制上扮演重要的角色,例如,细胞凋亡 (apoptosis) 、基因组稳定性 (genetic stability) 、抑制血管新生 (angiogenesis)。p53蛋白通过下列之机构达成避免癌症发生:

活化的p53蛋白能接合于DNA,促使多个基因表现,包括基因WAF1/CIP1,其为p21蛋白之编码基因。 p21 (WAF1)接合于G1-S/CDK (CDK2) 和S/CDK复合体 (此蛋白在G1/S细胞周期节律点上有重要功能) 以抑制该复合体的活性。 当p21蛋白 (WAF1) 与CDK2形成复合体时,细胞将无法进入到细胞分裂的阶段。 而突变后的p53蛋白将可能丧失与DNA形成有效结合的能力,造成p21蛋白将无法形成,以发出停止细胞分裂的信号。 因此,受损细胞将不受控制的进行细胞分裂,最终形成肿瘤。根据最近的研究,p53蛋白与RB1程序经由p14ARF蛋白相互调节的可能性更加提高。

p53蛋白借由许多不同的压力形式而激发其活性,其中包括但不仅仅局限于DNA损伤 (包括 UV, IR或化学物质如过氧化氢 (hydrogen peroxide)所造成的损伤),氧化压力 (oxidative stress),渗透压力 (osmotic stress),核糖核苷酸缺乏 (nucleotide depletion) 和丧失调节癌基因表现能力。这些活性激发可由两个主要的事件得出。首先,在受到压力的细胞中,p53蛋白的半衰期 (half-life) 会突然的增加,造成p53蛋白在细胞中的累积。再来则是构型变化 (conformational change) 使得p53蛋白被激发成为转录调节因子 (transcription regulator)。

医学导航: 肿瘤



药物 (L1i/1e/V03)


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