
✍ dations ◷ 2024-09-20 13:27:32 #人类蛋白质,蛋白质,形态发生素,HINT域,细胞信号传导,配体

3HO5, 3M1N, 3MXW

· signal transducer activity
· patched binding
· calcium ion binding
· protein binding
· glycosaminoglycan binding
· peptidase activity
· zinc ion binding

· extracellular space
· extracellular space
· membrane fraction
· nucleus
· endoplasmic reticulum
· Golgi apparatus
· plasma membrane
· cell surface
· transport vesicle
· extracellular matrix

· vasculogenesis
· metanephros development
· branching involved in ureteric bud morphogenesis
· response to hypoxia
· cell fate specification
· neural crest cell migration
· neural tube formation
· vasculature development
· heart looping
· positive regulation of neuroblast proliferation
· positive regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation
· osteoblast development
· lymphoid progenitor cell differentiation
· endocytosis
· signal transduction
· smoothened signaling pathway
· positive regulation of hh target transcription factor activity
· cell-cell signaling
· determination of left/right symmetry
· pattern specification process
· ectoderm development
· neuroblast proliferation
· axon guidance
· central nervous system development
· ventral midline development
· hindgut morphogenesis
· digestive tract mesoderm development
· heart development
· blood coagulation
· androgen metabolic process
· cell death
· positive regulation of cell proliferation
· embryo development
· anterior/posterior pattern formation
· dorsal/ventral pattern formation
· response to organic nitrogen
· oligodendrocyte development
· striated muscle tissue development
· positive regulation of skeletal muscle cell proliferation
· myotube differentiation
· intein-mediated protein splicing
· spinal cord dorsal/ventral patterning
· ventral spinal cord interneuron specification
· dorsal/ventral neural tube patterning
· smoothened signaling pathway involved in regulation of cerebellar granule cell precursor cell proliferation
· positive regulation of cerebellar granule cell precursor proliferation
· telencephalon regionalization
· establishment of cell polarity
· regulation of proteolysis
· positive regulation of Wnt receptor signaling pathway
· lung development
· embryonic limb morphogenesis
· negative regulation of cell migration
· male genitalia development
· prostate gland development
· regulation of epithelial cell differentiation
· thyroid gland development
· forebrain development
· midbrain development
· hindbrain development
· pancreas development
· hair follicle morphogenesis
· response to estradiol stimulus
· negative regulation of proteasomal ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process
· response to retinoic acid
· T cell differentiation in thymus
· positive regulation of T cell differentiation in thymus
· positive regulation of immature T cell proliferation in thymus
· embryonic forelimb morphogenesis
· embryonic hindlimb morphogenesis
· regulation of cell proliferation
· negative regulation of T cell proliferation
· positive regulation of protein import into nucleus
· odontogenesis of dentine-containing tooth
· embryonic digit morphogenesis
· camera-type eye development
· negative regulation of apoptosis
· CD4-positive or CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell lineage commitment
· tongue morphogenesis
· skin development
· positive thymic T cell selection
· negative thymic T cell selection
· intermediate filament organization
· myoblast differentiation
· response to ethanol
· negative regulation of cell differentiation
· positive regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent
· positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
· positive regulation of photoreceptor cell differentiation
· positive regulation of alpha-beta T cell differentiation
· negative regulation of alpha-beta T cell differentiation
· cell development
· thymus development
· embryonic digestive tract morphogenesis
· embryonic organ development
· developmental growth
· embryonic foregut morphogenesis
· positive regulation of skeletal muscle tissue development
· organ formation
· neuron fate commitment
· response to axon injury
· embryonic skeletal system development
· positive regulation of oligodendrocyte differentiation
· branching morphogenesis of a tube
· male genitalia morphogenesis
· inner ear development
· formation of anatomical boundary
· stem cell development
· positive regulation of striated muscle cell differentiation
· Bergmann glial cell differentiation
· palate development
· limb development
· limb bud formation
· positive regulation of penile erection
· lung epithelium development
· trachea morphogenesis
· branching involved in salivary gland morphogenesis
· bud outgrowth involved in lung branching
· right lung development
· left lung development
· lung lobe morphogenesis
· lung-associated mesenchyme development
· primary prostatic bud elongation
· prostate epithelial cord elongation
· salivary gland cavitation
· epithelial cell proliferation involved in salivary gland morphogenesis
· regulation of prostatic bud formation
· epithelial-mesenchymal signaling involved in prostate gland development
· positive regulation of epithelial cell proliferation involved in prostate gland development
· regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in prostate gland development
· mesenchymal smoothened signaling pathway involved in prostate gland development
· artery development
· mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in lung development
· sclerotome development
· positive regulation of oligodendrocyte progenitor proliferation
· cellular response to lithium ion
· metanephric mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in metanephros development
· regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in ureter development
· multicellular structure septum development
· negative regulation of canonical Wnt receptor signaling pathway
· negative regulation of ureter smooth muscle cell differentiation
· positive regulation of ureter smooth muscle cell differentiation
· negative regulation of kidney smooth muscle cell differentiation

音猬因子(英语:Sonic hedgehog,简称SHH)是5种刺猬因子(英语:Hedgehog,简称HH,其他四种是沙漠刺猬因子(英语:DHH (hedgehog)),DHH、印度刺猬因子(英语:IHH (protein)),IHH、Echidna Hedgehog,EHH和Tiggywinkle Hedgehog,TwHH)中的一种。


这种刺猬基因(刺猬信号通路, )是由1995年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主艾瑞克·威斯乔斯以及克里斯汀·纽斯林-沃尔哈德所确认,他们的研究于1980年发表。这个发表更为他们带来了1995年的诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。


及后当发现了更多此类型的基因后,为分别就以“刺猬”为基本去进行命名。当中有两种先被发现的刺猬因子 - 沙漠刺猬因子(英语:DHH (hedgehog))(Desert Hedgehog,DHH)以及印度刺猬因子(英语:IHH (protein))(Indian Hedgehog,IHH)就是以两种现实存在的刺猬去进行命名。而及后发现的“音猬因子”则是以世嘉一套相当有名的电玩主角刺猬索尼克(Sonic the Hedgehog,即“音速小子”)而进行命名。






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