
✍ dations ◷ 2025-02-23 20:13:27 #匈人,匈牙利文化,突厥语族,已灭亡语言


楚瓦什语有关联。匈人语与其他语言的问题远未解决。 Otto Maenchen-Helfen的话很好地总结了这一问题:

"All we know of the language of the Huns are names. Our sources do not give the meaning of any of them... Only by a careful study of the literary context in which the names appear can we hope to bring the problem of the Hunnish language closer to its solution. Attempts to force all Hunnic names into one linguistic group are a priori doomed to failure. The number of Hun names which are certainly or most probably Turkish is small. In addition to the objective difficulties, subjective ones bedevil some scholars. Turkologists are likely to find Turks everywhere; convinced that all proto-Bulgarians spoke Turkish, Németh offered an attractive Turkish etymology of Asparuch; other Turkologists explained the name in a different, perhaps less convincing way. Now it has turned out that Asparuch is an Iranian name... Scholars of profound erudition were sometimes biased by Pan-Turkism..."


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