Feng Jialiang (Chinese: 封加梁) is a Chinese painter from Wuxi, Jiangsu Province. He studied oil painting in the School of Fine Arts in Nanjing University of the Arts and was awarded a bachelor’s degree in 1991. He was awarded a master’s degree in oil painting by Nanjing Normal University and began his teaching career there in 1997. He further studied techniques and materials in Ecole nationale supérieure des Beaux-arts de Paris in 1998, and went on a study tour in the US from 1999-2002 and an academic exchange to Russia in 2002. He was awarded a doctor of arts in 2009.Currently residing in Nanjing, Feng is a professor and graduate supervisor in the School of Fine Arts in Nanjing Normal University and Deputy Secretary General of Jiangsu Oil Painting Association.
《娆系列 1-15》《炽系列 1-6》《云》《滞》《醉》《异》《夜》
《佛系列1-23》《欢喜系列1-7》《佛塔 1-2》《石像》
《油画》 盛梅冰 ,封加梁,江苏美术出版社
《写实人生——徐悲鸿(随园大家)》封加梁,林明 著,南京师范大学出版社